Would you like to save your company money?
Would you like to cut down on absenteeism?
Would you like a happier workforce?
You would? Then read on…
ABSENTEEISM and sickness costs small business in Ireland €692 million per annum. Workers take nine days off, on average, each year - mostly for minor sicknesses, musculoskeletal illnesses and back pain.
The Small Firms Association says that stress and back pain are the two main causes of absenteeism from work in Ireland. A Mercer HR Consulting survey reports that one in five organisations suffers absence levels of over 6pc per annum. One in four companies estimate the cost of that absence to be in excess of half a million euro a year – and that's a price you cannot afford, especially in these difficult economic times.
PhysioNow runs a network of physiotherapy clinics across Dublin, where a high percentage of the clients we see complain of either back or neck pain. In fact, up to 90% of the population suffer from back pain at some stage in their lives. The most common cause of these aches and pains is usually found by examining what we do everyday, and especially what we do at work - how we sit, stand, move and lift things. And that's where PhysioNow comes in - because we can help fix those problems, often before they start!
PhysioNow provides physiotherapy services, fitness classes, ergonomic assessment, backcare advice, postural care and stress management to leading Irish companies, leisure centres and sports clubs.
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